Live: New week, new blog as Safeen Dizeyee claims global calls for resumption of oil exports

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The Indian consulate in Erbil with a lovely gesture


University students from Shahid Shaukat dormitories in Erbil organized a demonstration on Saturday night to protest the insufficient provision of services. 

The protest took place on the main street of Kirkuk, as reported by Esta Media Network. However, media coverage of the event was restricted, with journalists and media personnel barred from covering it. 

The demonstration ended not long after it started.

Note: Esta Media Network is a PUK outlet. It's observed that they often do not report on similar protests in PUK-controlled Sulaymaniyah but are quick to cover those in Erbil.

Teachers in Sulaymaniyah announce a week of solidarity with their counterparts in Bardarash who they say have been threatened with redundancies if they don't resume classes.
Teachers (mostly in the more restive Sulaymaniyah province) have been on strike for weeks over unpaid salaries just as the new academic year begins in earnest. 
Ziad Jabar, former head of the PUK's Kurdistan parliament faction and a fresh member of the PUK leadership council, announced that the leadership council is set to convene its initial meeting following the fifth congress. 

As per the party's internal laws, this meeting must be held within 15 days after the congress.

Article 22 the rulebook implemented at the congress stipulates that the president of the PUK will call the leadership council to order and oversee the first meeting for the 60 member body.

Safeen Dizayee speech at Salahaddin University

Safeen Dizayee at Salahaddin University 
Safeen Dizayee at Salahaddin University    credit: Kurdistan 24
Safeen Dizeyee spoke at the Symposium for Kurdish Diplomacy at Salahaddin University in Erbil this morning. In a 20-minute speech focused on the Kurdistan Region's diplomatic achievements since gaining autonomy, Dizeyee praised the KRG's success in establishing diplomatic offices in world capitals. He expressed particular pride in the way Kurdistan Region leaders are invited to capitals worldwide to meet with global leaders under 'full diplomatic protocol.'

"Do you see the prime minister of Quebec being invited to Downing Street, the Elysee, the White House, or the Vatican?" he asked.

Well, yes, you do indeed see that. For instance, the Quebec Premier's visit to Paris and meeting with Macron. Although the French connection has something to do with it.

However, Dizeyee's general assertion is largely accurate: the Kurdistan Region has achieved a diplomatic status that is quite unprecedented for non-state actors.

Near the tail-end of his address, he offered up some tidbits on the oil issue. He says the French, U.S. and British governments are lobbying all parties involved to speed up the resumption of Kurdistan exports.  

Morning briefing

Happy Sunday. 

Safeen Dizeyee, head of the Kurdistan Region's Department of Foreign Relations, has said there are growing calls in D.C., London and Paris over resuming Kurdish oil exports via Turkey.

There are protests in Nineveh province demanding those responsible for the Qaraqosh wedding fire be held accountable.

There have been local press reports over the weekend on how the Kurdistan Region elections slated for February may be delayed yet again.